Cocomelon, the beloved children’s animated series, has become a sensation, enchanting young audiences with its catchy songs, colorful animations, and educational content. As families incorporate the cheerful tunes and lovable characters into their daily routines, the idea of bringing the magic of Cocomelon to life through a party character for hire has gained immense popularity. The Cocomelon party character, adorned in bright colors and featuring the familiar and friendly face that children adore, instantly captures the hearts of little fans and creates a delightful atmosphere of fun and excitement.
Choosing a Cocomelon party character for an event ensures a celebration filled with joy, laughter, and interactive entertainment tailored for young children. Whether it’s a birthday bash, a family gathering, or a special occasion themed around the beloved series, the presence of the Cocomelon character transforms the event into a playful and engaging experience. Children are thrilled to sing and dance along with a character they recognize from their favorite episodes, creating cherished memories as they interact, play games, and participate in sing-alongs. Parents can enjoy watching their little ones’ faces light up with delight, knowing that they’ve orchestrated a celebration that truly resonates with their child’s interests and brings the magic of Cocomelon to life. For families seeking to create a memorable and joyous celebration that celebrates the enchanting world of Cocomelon, the Cocomelon party character for hire is a delightful choice that guarantees a day filled with smiles, laughter, and musical fun.
Princess Party Activities
Loaded with fun and engaging activities for all of the children, we make every party unforgettable for your child!
Grand Entrance
The princess of your choice will make a royal entrance to the party! Have your camera ready to capture your child’s reaction when they first see their princess!
Interactive Storytime
Our princess will gather the children for an interactive story as she recounts her adventures and experiences!
Watch and record as we serenade the birthday child and all their guests with songs from their world/theme!
Princess Training
Your child will learn how to walk, talk and act like a princess. Who better to show them than the princess herself!
Face Painting
Our princess will paint simple designs, with a dash of glitter, on any child who would like one!
Birthday Ceremony / Photos
We wrap up the party by having our princess lead the Happy Birthday song and cake cutting–then take plenty of photos!
Party Packages
Prices are per Character | Travel fees may apply
60 Minutes
Recommended for up to 12 children
90 Minutes
Recommended for 15-18 children
90 Minutes
Recommended for up to 15 children
Includes costumes for up to 12 children. Extra sets of 12 for $50
Additional characters starting at $149.
120 Minutes
Recommended for up to 24 children
Includes costumes for up to 24 children.
Additional characters starting at $149.