Ghost Spider / Gwen
Ghost-Spider, also known as Spider-Gwen in Marvel Comics, has emerged as a captivating and fan-favorite character within the Spider-Man universe. With her distinctive white and pink costume and a backstory that intertwines with the familiar web-slinging narrative, Ghost-Spider brings a fresh and empowering presence to the world of superheroes. As her popularity continues to grow, the introduction of a Ghost-Spider party character has become a thrilling opportunity for fans to immerse themselves in the adventurous and rebellious spirit of this iconic hero. Dressed in the eye-catching Ghost-Spider costume, complete with the character’s signature hood and mask, this party character radiates confidence, agility, and a sense of independent strength.
Incorporating a Ghost-Spider party character into an event elevates the excitement to new heights, especially for fans who resonate with her empowering journey and distinctive style. Whether it’s a birthday celebration, a themed party, or a comic book extravaganza, the presence of Ghost-Spider adds a dash of coolness and intrigue that captivates attendees. Children and fans have the unique opportunity to interact with a character who embodies resilience, individuality, and the adventurous spirit of a hero navigating her own path. Through engaging activities, immersive storytelling, and the opportunity for epic superhero poses, the event becomes a thrilling exploration into the captivating world of Ghost-Spider. For those eager to infuse their celebrations with a sense of empowerment and adventure, the Ghost-Spider party character offers a distinctive and exhilarating choice that ensures a memorable and inspiring experience for all.
Princess Party Activities
Loaded with fun and engaging activities for all of the children, we make every party unforgettable for your child!
Grand Entrance
The princess of your choice will make a royal entrance to the party! Have your camera ready to capture your child’s reaction when they first see their princess!
Interactive Storytime
Our princess will gather the children for an interactive story as she recounts her adventures and experiences!
Watch and record as we serenade the birthday child and all their guests with songs from their world/theme!
Princess Training
Your child will learn how to walk, talk and act like a princess. Who better to show them than the princess herself!
Face Painting
Our princess will paint simple designs, with a dash of glitter, on any child who would like one!
Birthday Ceremony / Photos
We wrap up the party by having our princess lead the Happy Birthday song and cake cutting–then take plenty of photos!
Party Packages
Prices are per Character | Travel fees may apply
60 Minutes
Recommended for up to 12 children
90 Minutes
Recommended for 15-18 children
90 Minutes
Recommended for up to 15 children
Includes costumes for up to 12 children. Extra sets of 12 for $50
Additional characters starting at $149.
120 Minutes
Recommended for up to 24 children
Includes costumes for up to 24 children.
Additional characters starting at $149.